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Production of refractories for the glass industry in Switzerland


Dear  Customer

TKS International G.m.b.H through Tarkus technology could be your reasonable and reliable partner for your refractory requirements.

Our formulations are made with the best raw materials available in the world market.

In our history, we are proud to have provided more than 2000  Working-End and Forehearths superstructures, more than 1100 glass contact lines, bottom paving  and complete furnaces supplied as main contractor ; today TKS International G.m.b.H has well established business relationships with customers all over the world.

After More than 33 years in the glass industry studying process problematics & solution, TKS International can be considered as one of the leaders in special shape refractories for Glass Industry and problem solving company.

Today our quality and technical solutions are appreciated by our customers and we support them also with our service, fast delivery as well as supplying  to them with special shapes as requested.

You can consider TKS International as your reliable partner.

We will be glad to help you to increase the performance in your production.

TKS International G.m.b.H

©2019 TKS International G.m.b.H |VAT che493103351 | Grabenstrasse 9 6300 ZUG Switzerland | tks@tks-ch.com | Privacy Policy
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